Frances Clarke
Frances Mary Oldford Clarke, M.Div
Surname as Student: Clarke
Education: United Church Training School
Graduation Year: 1956
Designated: 1956
Where: London Conference
Denomination: United Church of Canada
1928 - Born, December 19
1977 - Ordained
1993 - Retired
2018 - Died, July 5
1956 - 1961: Director of Christian Education, Colborne St. United Church, Brantford, Ontario
1961 - 1967: Director of Christian Education, Port Nelson United Church, Burlington, Ontario, Hamilton Conference
1967 - 1970: Leave of Absence, Business Career, Retained on roll Hamilton Conference
1970 - 1976: Director of Christian Education, Central United Church, Sarnia Ontario, London Conference
1976 - 1977: Leave of Absence to Study at Queen's Theological School, Retained on roll London Conference
1977 - 1993: Assistant Minister, Metropolitan United Church, London, Ontario, London Conference